send commands when multiple IR recieved

Ethernet specific questions and answers - IRTrans LAN, LAN Controller devices

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send commands when multiple IR recieved

Postby davidlefevre » Tue 14. Oct 2014, 12:54


I am using LAN I/O
I would like to know if it is possible to send an ethernet command after recieving more than 1 IR command.

Basically, i want to press "1" then "0" on my remote, and a specific command to be sent on Ethernet and RS232 by the IR TRans.
Untill now, i am only able to send a command associated with "1", then a command associated with "0".
I want a command associated with "10", but there is no "10" button on my remote, i have to type a combination of "1" then "0".

thanks !

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon 30. Sep 2013, 09:48

Re: send commands when multiple IR recieved

Postby eric » Wed 15. Oct 2014, 10:20

Hi David,

unfortunately this is not possible.

best regards,

Posts: 157
Joined: Mon 22. Oct 2012, 10:05

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