How to 'translate' RC6 - 000,190 to IRtrans?

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How to 'translate' RC6 - 000,190 to IRtrans?

Postby DJF3 » Mon 23. Apr 2012, 21:03


I'm using IRTrans LAN with Homeseer. In the hs2_signals.rem file I see a lot of codes and I added some discrete codes.

I just found a list with many nice IR codes but I don't know how to put them in the REM file.
(source: Philips codes, model 2010/2011:

This list contains things like:
RC6 - 000,055 - Record -- Region: All
RC6 - 000,075 - Subtitle -- Region: Europe, AP-PM
RC6 - 000,190 - Online / Net TV -- Diversity: OIS Region: All

The question: How can I turn these into entries in my .rem file?


PS. When I manage to get this working I'll create a post on my website explaining how to do this and I'll put the URL in this thread.
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Re: How to 'translate' RC6 - 000,190 to IRtrans?

Postby IRTrans » Mon 23. Apr 2012, 21:19

that looks like an RC6 device address + an RC6 Code ID.

In general it should be possible to put those codes into an IRTrans .rem file.

The problem is that there are a lot of different RC6 formats with different lengths.

I would suggest to learn a few "known" IR Codes for that remote control and analyze the IR Codes that have been learned.
In general RC6 codes are stored more or less directly in binary format in the .rem file.

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Re: How to 'translate' RC6 - 000,190 to IRtrans?

Postby DJF3 » Tue 24. Apr 2012, 07:56

First of all thank you for your quick response!

That actually sounds like a good method. For as far as I know these codes all look like 00000 000001 100001 0111101 00001 but I'll investigate and keep you updated!

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Joined: Mon 26. Sep 2011, 07:29

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