problem with distance from remote control

Everything related to learning and capturing of IR Codes

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problem with distance from remote control

Postby tomerg » Tue 5. Nov 2013, 21:29

I have a problem that the IRTrans USB wont detect the remote over a distance of 1 meter.
When the remote is over that distance the green led doesnt respond however the tv does.
I tries several directions, positions, configurations and so on but the issue remains the same.
How can I resolve that?
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Joined: Fri 5. Nov 2010, 13:20

Re: problem with distance from remote control

Postby eric » Wed 6. Nov 2013, 09:02

What type of receiver do you have? Does it say "COD-RCV" next to the type label on the back? If that is the case you have an internal universal learning receiver, this receiver only has a range of about 1m.
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Joined: Mon 22. Oct 2012, 10:05

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