control IRTrans by embedded system

Buying IRTrans devices

Moderator: marcus

control IRTrans by embedded system

Postby enblu » Tue 30. Apr 2013, 13:12

before proceeding with my order I wolud like to know if using an IRTrans Mediacontroller, after storing the device database, I can control the IRTrans TX only sendig the correct string directly from an embedded system by the COM port; or I need to pass through some IRTrans SW intall on the PC.
Thanks, Enrico.
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Joined: Wed 10. Apr 2013, 11:55

Re: control IRTrans by embedded system

Postby eric » Thu 2. May 2013, 07:30

After uploading the IR codes to the device database you only need ASCII commands. For example: "snd <remote>,<command>"
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Joined: Mon 22. Oct 2012, 10:05

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