Windows 7 RTM - Teletext button...

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Windows 7 RTM - Teletext button...

Postby KeesC » Fri 25. Sep 2009, 15:54

I am running Windows 7 RTM Ultimate 32 bit. When during media center the teletext button is pressed it triggers the same function as the Info button. Is it possible to remap the Teletext button so directly teletext is triggered?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Windows 7 RTM - Teletext button...

Postby KeesC » Wed 30. Sep 2009, 18:47

Hi Marcus, do you know something about the teletext button (See request above)?
It would be great to use the button and directly teletext is triggered!

Thanks in advance for you reaction...
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Re: Windows 7 RTM - Teletext button...

Postby IRTrans » Wed 30. Sep 2009, 19:29

No idea, we can only map buttons with keyboard shortcuts.

As Teletext is not known in the US, there have not been any keyboard shortcuts for Teletext so far.

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Re: Windows 7 RTM - Teletext button...

Postby Brentmuk » Thu 3. Feb 2011, 16:27

For UK Teletext Assuming your IR is recognising the relevant button presses you need to map the keyboard shortcuts

enter the apps.cfg file and make the changes at the end of the section (NOTE you need to change TELETEXT [FNC] to [KEY]

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