by w_m_a » Thu 17. Jul 2008, 00:13
I have exactly similar problem. I noticed that the icon in the status bar keeps on blinking even though I am not using the remote.
I have a Panasonic plasma and my HTPC sits just below the TV. I am using Origen AE X11 case with VF110 device from IRtrans.
I noticed that if I stand really close to the Case, the icon stops blinking and the deteced IR commands window stops spooling values. More surprisingly, if I have some window open instead of just the desktop, the icon stops blinking as well, yes its true! But when I launch MCE the problem reappears.
My htpc configuration, which might be helpful -
CPU - Athlon X2 5200
M/B - Asus M3N-H/HDMI (using nVidia drivers and ASUS Cool 'n Quiet software)
O/S - Vista Home Premium SP1
TV - DviCO Dual Express DVBT TV tuner Card (using Vista MCE drivers)
My question -
Is there any fix for this? Moving the HTPC away from the TV is not an option and I do not want to return the case because of this stupid IR device!
Yes I am frustrated..
Thanks a lot..
Last edited by
w_m_a on Thu 17. Jul 2008, 02:08, edited 2 times in total.