USB tray works, service does not

The meeting point for people using one of the IRTrans OEM Display devices

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USB tray works, service does not

Postby MindBender » Mon 9. Aug 2010, 21:05

I'm using an OrigenAE X10 cabinet with an OEM module. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on this box as a Media Center. After installing the latest version of IRTrans and running IRTrans as a Service, the Media Center application (or any other application) doesn't see any remote control commands. However, the IRRemote application does show all remote control commands.

When I stop (and disable) the IRTrans Service and start the USB Tray application, the Media Center application (and all other applications) do see all remote control commands.

Is this a known Windows 7 compatibility issue? I really prefer to use the IRTrans Service instead. I haven't connected my IRTrans PoE module, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't make a difference with the OEM module.
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Re: USB tray works, service does not

Postby IRTrans » Mon 9. Aug 2010, 21:17

that is normal behaviour.

Services are not allowed to control desktop applications. MS changed that when introducing Vista. There is nothing we can do about that.

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Re: USB tray works, service does not

Postby MindBender » Mon 9. Aug 2010, 21:47

Too bad... But thanks a lot for your prompt response, I really appreciate it!

You may want to warn for this in Setup.exe, because when trying to resolve this problem I have searched the web for over 2 hours before I have posted here. All I found were people with a similar problem and no solution either.
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Re: USB tray works, service does not

Postby IRTrans » Mon 9. Aug 2010, 22:35

We do not have that much room in the setup - furthermore all that tips are ignored anyway :?

BTW: We do have 2-3 lengthy threads covering this problem here in our forum.

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Re: USB tray works, service does not

Postby Schaumschläger » Thu 26. Jul 2012, 17:08

Is there any chance to get this "problem" solved in the future? The information about Windows 8 says that the system will be locked up for outer programs more so...if there is no solution yet it isnt gonna be here with Win 8 either?
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Re: USB tray works, service does not

Postby IRTrans » Thu 26. Jul 2012, 23:49

No, there will be no solution for that.

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