irw can't connect to irtrans

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irw can't connect to irtrans

Postby ocgltd » Mon 26. Apr 2010, 02:26

I have a new itrans Ethernet working. When I start the irserver my log shows:

Code: Select all
2010-04-25 21:59:25.401  Init Server Socket done
2010-04-25 21:59:25.401  Init Events done
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  Name   : IRTrans LAN
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  Version: E6.04.51
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  FW SNo : 45965
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  Capab  : Power On; Dual Transmitter Drivers; 128KB IR Flash;
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  FW Cap : 0x1186171
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  FW Cap2: 0xc95a1c63
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  USB SNo: 00-22-3e-07-00-60
2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  Node   :

2010-04-25 21:59:25.442  Init communication ...
2010-04-25 21:59:25.443  IRServer Version 6.02.43
2010-04-25 21:59:25.443  [ 0]: IRTrans LAN: IR VER: E6.04.51       ETH VER: L1.07.56   SN: 45965
                   MAC:00-22-3e-07-00-60  IP Addr:
2010-04-25 21:59:25.443  Chdir to DB OK
2010-04-25 21:59:25.461  Read routing OK
2010-04-25 21:59:25.461  Read Switches OK
2010-04-25 21:59:25.461  Open DIR: 0
2010-04-25 21:59:25.461  Get Dirent: 84
2010-04-25 21:59:25.491  Remote automation           compiled:2010-04-25 21:59:25.491       1 Timings - 2010-04-25 21:59:25.491      11 Commands
2010-04-25 21:59:25.492  Remote mythtv               compiled:2010-04-25 21:59:25.492       1 Timings - 2010-04-25 21:59:25.492      42 Commands
2010-04-25 21:59:25.492  Get Dirent: 0
2010-04-25 21:59:25.492  Total:   2 Remotes  -   2 Timings -   53 Commands -    0 Calib. Commands
2010-04-25 21:59:25.492           0 Togglec. -   0 CCF Data -   0 CCF RAW  -    0 CCF Error
2010-04-25 22:18:08.118  IRTRANS TCP/IP Socket connection request
2010-04-25 22:18:08.118  IRTRANS TCP/IP Client 0 accepted from
2010-04-25 22:18:14.514  Netcommand Size: 112/112
2010-04-25 22:18:14.514  Netcommand: 69 [0]
2010-04-25 22:18:14.544  Send Status 31764 - 31764 [24]
2010-04-25 22:18:33.954  Client [0] disconnect

I now want to see what IR codes are received, so I tried to run IRW but I get:
connect: No such file or directory

because there is no /var/run/lirc/lircd socket file.

Can someone tell me how to get irw to work with irtrans?

Posts: 45
Joined: Tue 30. Dec 2008, 03:34

Re: irw can't connect to irtrans

Postby IRTrans » Mon 26. Apr 2010, 10:56

you cannot use lowlevel LIRC tools with the IRTrans device. Instead use the IRTrans tools (ASCII irclient) to learn IR Commands. You can also use the GuiClient.exe with Mono.
The reason is that LIRC does not support "intelligent" devices.

Here are some more tips regarding LIRC and IRTrans: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=19

Posts: 2115
Joined: Mon 21. Apr 2008, 23:32

Re: irw can't connect to irtrans

Postby ocgltd » Sat 19. Aug 2023, 18:52

Is it possible to make irclient64 show button presses on screen (running in a bash shell on linux) to print out:

1. Remote+Button presses as they are received (for defined buttons)
2. Hex codes/raw presses as they are received (for undefined buttons)

Similar to what IRW does...
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue 30. Dec 2008, 03:34

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