I can learn a first command from a new remote. (the remote.rem is created, the command is recorded)
When I try to learn a seconde command for the same remote, it doesn't work...
I have tried to restart the server : it does the same
I have tried to restart the computer : it does the same
I have tryed to use the LearnRawIRCode : it does the same
I have tried to edit and save the .rem file with notepad++ : it does the same
I have tried to edit the .rem file with notepad++, suppress the first command : sometimes, it works and I can record any command after that for that remote. I can't figure out why and how it works in those cases...
When it works, the green led blinks.
When it doesn't work, the green led doesn't blink during the learning process. It blinks after the timer (in my case, 10000ms = 10sec)
As I want to include IRTrans in my product, I want it to work for any new remote...
This is the part of my code that records the command :
- Code: Select all
int res;
res = ConnectIRTransServer ("localhost",&irt_server);
stat = LearnIRCode(irt_server,remoteChar,commandChar,10000);
DisconnectIRTransServer (irt_server);