Technical Information:

Device selection table

LAN Controller
LAN Controller XL
LAN Controller Multistream 16

Infared Codes

Software / Applications

IRTrans Mediacontroller

Normal IRTrans functions

•  Case: Same size as the "normal" IRTrans units. Only 72x50x15 mm.
•  ATMega64. 64K Atmel Microcontroller. The central "brain" of the IRTrans Mediacontroller has got enough space even for complex Firmware.
•  Basic functionallity: Is based on a standard IRTrans with RS232 interface & IRTrans serial bus.
•  IR Receivers: Versions for normal and High frequency signals (32-57kHz & 455 KHz, z.B. B&O™) available.
•  Firmware. All modules have got an integrated bootloader. This Bootloader allows later upgrades of the firmware of the modules using a small programm. When there are upgrades or bug fixes the firmware can be upgraded by the customer within a few minutes.
•  Serial Bus. The serial Bus includes drivers, protection diodes for the Microcontroller and a 8 pin Mini DIN connector. The Bus has only a ground and a Data line. The protocol of the serial bus including clock and collision detection is coded in the firmware of the Microcontroller.
It can be used with baudrates off 4,800, 9,600, 19,200 and 38,400 Baud. Depending on the conditions the length can be up to 50 - 80m. Only digital data is transmitted on the serial bus - that makes it very noise insensitive.
Each module has got an unique address and can be addressed indipendently.
•  Assembly. The IRTrans are entirely build using modern SMD technology. This assures reliable operation and a very small footprint.
•  Certification. All IRTrans Modules are certified according to CE and FCC regulations and can be used worldwide.

IRTrans Mediacontroller

•  IR Database: 64K Flash memory. Enough to store about 1000 IR commands
•  IR Receiving: Each received IR Code can trigger arbitrary data packets via the RS232 interface.
•  IR Sending: Simple ASCII Strings are used to send IR Commands (e.g. "snd cd,play")
•  Relay Control: The integrated Relay can be controlled freely using IR Commands.
•  Configuration: PC Software (Windows) with graphical user interface allows to configure the IR Database in a very comfortable way.
•  Serial Bus: The IRTrans Mediacontroller can control up to 15 IRTrans Bus Modules. Of course the integrated IR database will be used to control these devices, too. Each device can be addressed using its ID.

View of the PCB of the IRTrans Mediacontroller