IRTrans GUI Client

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IRTrans GUI Client

Postby cerve » Sun 27. Jul 2008, 09:12


I use the IRTrans GUI Client to control my IRTrans Ethernet POE.
It's a great tool but it connect to "localhost" by default and I want only one IRTranstray Server and many GUI Client and I don't want to enter manually the IP address each time I connect.
So my question is: is it possible to change the "localhost" by default by editing some file of the IRTrans GUI Client ?
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Joined: Fri 20. Jun 2008, 23:33

Re: IRTrans GUI Client

Postby IRTrans » Sun 27. Jul 2008, 15:42

while it is not possible to change the default server IP or server name you can enter it on the commandline when starting the GUI Client.

That means, you simply start it with "irremote.exe".

You can even put this into a cmd or bat file so that you can click on it to start the GUI Client with the correct IP.

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Re: IRTrans GUI Client

Postby cerve » Tue 29. Jul 2008, 11:30

Yes indeed it works.
I've created a bat file with this commande: start C:\Progra~1\IRTrans\irremote.exe
...and now when I click on the bat file, the GUI client starts connecting on the server with the correct IP

Thank you for your reply.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri 20. Jun 2008, 23:33

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