Poweron command not found in IRDB

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Poweron command not found in IRDB

Postby oblue » Thu 21. Jan 2010, 23:46

Someone please help me,
When I fill in the Remote and Command fields on the Webpage-IR configuration-WakeOnLan page,
I've got the message:
"Poweron command not found in IRDB",
my command is in the IRDB, It shows in the IRTransclient program.
The led reacts on the command, I also "Reload IR database", end flashed te IRDB.
What else can I try,...
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Joined: Thu 21. Jan 2010, 23:35

Re: Poweron command not found in IRDB

Postby IRTrans » Fri 22. Jan 2010, 00:59

the commands you see in the IR Client program are those that are stored on your PC. Of course the IRTrans device cannot access them.

If you want to set the PowerOn Code via the Web Frontend you need to upload the IR Codes into the Flash IR Database of your device.
That can be done using the "Device Database" dialog of the GUI Client.

The easier way is, however, to use the GUI Client dialog "Device Mode". Here you can set the parameters without uploading them.

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