Cound not create object named IRTtransOCX.IRTrans

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Cound not create object named IRTtransOCX.IRTrans

Postby GertSt » Sun 7. Feb 2010, 10:51


I'm trying to send ir commands by using a vbs script that connects to the irtrans ocx.
I'm on Windows 7 64bit.

What I did:

- register the acitve x: from an elevated command prompt, I could register C:\Users\Gert\Desktop>regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\IRTrans\APIs\Active-X\IRTrans.ocx" with success.

- created a vbs file:
Set IRTrans = wscript.CreateObject("IRTransOCX.IRTrans", "IRTrans_")
IRTrans.ServerIP = "localhost"
IRTrans.SendIR Cstr("harmony"), Cstr("receiver on")
set IRTrans = nothing

But I'm having an error on the first line saying "Cound not create object named IRTtransOCX.IRTrans", code 80040154.
I'll also tried running the vbs file as admin.

Any Idea what's causing the error?

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun 7. Feb 2010, 10:39

Re: Cound not create object named IRTtransOCX.IRTrans

Postby IRTrans » Sun 7. Feb 2010, 19:11

no idea what the problem might be here. However it does not look like a problem within the OCX, it rather looks like a problem loading it.

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Joined: Mon 21. Apr 2008, 23:32

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