LanController - Relay command config

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LanController - Relay command config

Postby Ralphy » Mon 5. Sep 2011, 01:42

Hello all.

I have some experience of using Iredtouch software app to control IRTrans devices succesfully. Using the software app, I have simply learned the IR commands from the OEM remotes for the relevant appliances. I have no knowlede or experience of editing the database and writing IR commands from scratch into the device.

I now need to configure a LAN controller device and am lost as to how I can configure the device to switch the relays.

I have looked through the LanController manual but the information given on page 7 regarding the relay controls refers to "using the Relay options of the IR database" to control the via IR commands.

or by "sending special IR commands using the IR remote"

I have looked through the IRtrans software on the PC, but I cannot figure out how to accomplish what I need to do.

MY QUESTION THEREFORE is , Can anyone help me to learn how to do this?

perhaps direct me to a URL with a tutorial description of this procedure?

or even better, talk me through it.

I would appreciate any help with this as I would love to expand my ability to implement remote controlsfor my AV clients using smartphone apps as clients. I just need a little help.

thanks in advance to any helpers.


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Re: LanController - Relay command config

Postby IRTrans » Mon 5. Sep 2011, 06:27

the relays can simply be controlled by sending a pseudo IR code.

The remote control of this command denotes the relay and the command says what to do with this relay. This syntax is also describen in detail in the LAN Controller manual.

You can send these commands using any API.

***relay_1 will control relay 1.

0 will switch it off
1 on
T will toggle it
I will switch it on for 1s

That means with the UDP interface you can use "snd ***relay_1,1" to switch on relay 1.

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